
Grow in Love

Resources for bringing your relationship to life

Marriage and the Cross

Marriage and the Cross

In marriage, we have plenty of crosses to endure. Our marriage ITSELF does not need to be one of them.

Is Loving Enough?

Is Loving Enough?

We love a lot of people, but we are IN LOVE with one. 5 reasons to prioritize not just loving, but being IN LOVE with your spouse.

A Life Without Cares

A Life Without Cares

by Tom Callahan Thomas Merton once gave a talk about living a life without cares. His premise was that, in the monastic life, the monk focuses his time and effort on loving God, and, in turn, God focuses his time and effort on loving the monk. As a result, the monk...

Get Our Free 7-Day Real Connection Challenge

Unlock passion, reignite conversation, and expand the meaning of marital intimacy. Don’t just study the Theology of the Body — live it!