Lent in Love: DOs & DON’Ts for Spouses
by Libby DuPont Lent is a beautiful time to grow closer to God, but it looks different for married people than it did when we were single. Here's some DOs and...
Ever More Grace
Like the song of the birds in the Spring, if we aren’t intentional, we can lose the atmosphere of being “in love.” The antidote? Staying ever more in love.
Inside Out
Many “issues” in marriage are more easily (and pleasantly) resolved when we simply look beneath the surface.
Marriage: Mission Possible
Kids grow best when surrounded by the passionate love of their parents. The Easter season is the perfect time to grow that love.
Marriage and the Cross
In marriage, we have plenty of crosses to endure. Our marriage ITSELF does not need to be one of them.
Grow in Love
Resources for bringing your relationship to life
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